Prayer List
All prayer requests are added to the prayer list and/or shared with the prayer ministry. If you would like your prayer request to be confidential, please let it be known when making the prayer request. To keep the prayer list current, persons will be automatically removed after four weeks. Anyone wanting to share or receive prayer concerns can send an email to
Food Hub
more info click here!
The Health Ministry will be offering FREE blood pressure screenings every second Sunday in room 7 following worship and every fourth Saturday in the Admin Building at 9:30 a.m.
Facebook Live Stream
Each Sunday, the sermon is live-streamed on Facebook. If you are not available to watch live at 10 a.m., the sermons are archived on Facebook and YouTube.
In an effort to lessen our carbon footprint, paper and commingled (glass, plastic, and aluminum) recycle bins are located around the church. Please do not put trash or soiled materials in these bins. Containers must be cleaned before being placed in bins. Unwanted bulletins and announcement inserts can be placed in the rear of Boyer Hall. We reuse these items by sending them to our members at home.
Apportionment Sunday
Every second Sunday, we receive an offering to offset the apportionment contribution for Oak Chapel. As a connectional church, our apportionment dollars go to support ministries and missions locally and globally. The
impact of these ministries and missions are beyond what we could achieve on our own. This offering is in addition to your regular tithes and offerings. Please be prayerful and prepared to give on Apportionment Sunday. Thank you in advance for your support.
Tree of Life Gold Leaf Dedications
You can become a part of Oak Chapel – literally. Sponsor a Gold Leaf on our Tree of Life which is located in the narthex, outside of the sanctuary. You can dedicate a leaf in memory of a loved one who has passed or in honor of someone still living or in celebration of a special event. Each gold leaf will be custom engraved with your memory and added to the Tree of Life. The cost is $200 (minimum) for each leaf. Contacts: Kofo Rotimi,
All of the latest news is on the bulletin boards for everything UMC – Connectional, Conference, District, Cluster, and Oak Chapel. Stay informed with meeting notes, announcements, ministry info, sign-up sheets, etc.
Electronic Messages
Reminders and important messages will be sent to the congregation via email. Recipients always have the option to opt-out by unsubscribing to these messages.
Website and Social Media
Every effort is being made to ensure that the website and social media sites (Facebook and Instagram) are regularly updated and current. Please frequent these communication venues and share them with others.
Pastor Office Hours, by appointment only
Church Office Hours, 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Mondays & Wednesdays