Electronic Giving is a convenient, consistent way to help our church grow.
We offer convenient electronic giving options that help you make donations on a one-time or recurring basis. Consider scheduling an electronic contribution today. It’s easy! You will no longer need to write out checks and prepare envelopes every week. Even when travel, illness, weather, or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received on an uninterrupted basis.
Use this secure link to set up your electronic giving today!
Secure Electronic Giving Page – Click Here! (The page will open up in a separate window/tab.)
Do you prefer mobile giving? Oak Chapel now has an app for that!

Give+ Mobile is a free app that can be downloaded by members and guests. Start mobile donations today!
Click the App Store or Google Play link to download the app to your mobile device or search for “GivePlus Church”.
When you open the app for the first time, type “Oak Chapel United Methodist Church” as the church you would like to give to. Once you have selected Oak Chapel, it will become the default church until you change your selection. You will need to allow the app to access to your location. The app’s location access can be turned on or off by going to Settings on your phone.
Give+ Mobile accepts payments via ACH and the major debit/credit cards. You can enter your card or checking/savings account information manually. Or, you can use your phone’s camera to quickly scan your card information.
The provider of these electronic giving services, Vanco, has been endorsed by The United Methodist Church, so you can be confident that your personal information is secure and your donations will be received by Oak Chapel.