
Island Odyssey is FUN!We say each Sunday that our children are not just the church of tomorrow, they are a part of the church today. We invite our youngest to spend time with us in worship, to sing in our Acorn Choir, to experience Vacation Bible School in the summer, and as they grow, to read scriptures, play in our music ensemble, and participate in the ministries and life of our church!

In our new Sunday format, we’re meeting at 10am to worship. During the service, our children come forward for a time with Pastor Sherri for a children’s message, and then, some Sundays, our pre-K and elementary aged children are excused for Sunday school. On the 1st Sunday of the month, when we serve holy communion, we invite our children to stay with us in worship for the entire service so they can begin to experience the wonder of God’s presence in prayer, hymns, word and sacrament.

The nursery is available each Sunday for those 5 and under who might be very wiggly and whose parents would like to enjoy worship, but we don’t mind a little noise here and there, either!